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Clip on Wire Markers

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Brady® ClipSleeve™ SCN09-0 Pre-Printed Wire Marker, 0.098 to 0.11 in Wire, 0 (zero), Black, White Marker, Nylon
Brady® Clip-Sleeve™ SCN09-1 Pre-Printed Wire Marker, 0.098 to 0.11 in Dia Wire, 1, Black, White Marker, Nylon
Brady® Clip-Sleeve™ SCN09-2 Pre-Printed Wire Marker, 0.098 to 0.11 in Dia Wire, 2, Black, White Marker, Nylon
Brady® Clip-Sleeve™ SCN09-3 Pre-Printed Wire Marker, 0.098 to 0.11 in Dia Wire, 3, Black, White Marker, Nylon
Brady® ClipSleeve™ SCN09-4 Pre-Printed Wire Marker, 0.098 to 0.11 in Wire, 4, Black, White Marker, Nylon
Brady® ClipSleeve™ SCN09-5 Pre-Printed Wire Marker, 0.098 to 0.11 in Wire, 5, Black, White Marker, Nylon
Brady® ClipSleeve™ SCN09-6 Pre-Printed Wire Marker, 0.098 to 0.11 in Wire, 6, Black, White Marker, Nylon
Brady® ClipSleeve™ SCN09-7 Pre-Printed Wire Marker, 0.098 to 0.11 in Wire, 7, Black, White Marker, Nylon
Brady® ClipSleeve™ SCN09-8 Pre-Printed Wire Marker, 0.098 to 0.11 in Wire, 8, Black, White Marker, Nylon
Brady® ClipSleeve™ SCN09-9 Pre-Printed Wire Marker, 0.098 to 0.11 in Wire, 9, Black, White Marker, Nylon