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Leadership Team - Werner Electric Supply

Meet Our Leadership Team

Accountability. Enthusiasm. Innovation. These are the shared values of Werner Electric Supply’s executive leaders, who are dedicated to guiding our teams in the pursuit of a common Mission: Unwavering commitment to our customers, families, communities and each other. Years of industry knowledge and extensive expertise in respective disciplines combine to make a leadership team capable of navigating the ever-evolving market through impactful decision making and relationship building. Our executive leaders are made up of company veterans and newcomers, allowing them to strategize from an innovative perspective while building on the successes of yesterday. By breaking down our broader mission into actionable steps and achievable objectives, our leadership team enables Werner Electric to exceed expectations as a supplier, partner and employer.

Headshot of Craig Wiedemeier

Headshot of Fred Mauermann

Headshot of Hillary Anderson

Headshot of Bill Kocha

Headshot of Dave Piet

Headshot of Brandon Day

Headshot of Brad Klitzke

Headshot of Donelle Gelinskey

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