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GearWrench 81204P

GearWrench 81204P Flex Head Teardrop Ratchet Set
GearWrench 81204P Flex Head Teardrop Ratchet Set

GearWrench 81204P

GearWrench 81204P Flex Head Teardrop Ratchet Set
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MFG #81204P

Werner Part #4470305


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MFG #81204P

Werner Part #4470305


Product Description

The GEARWRENCH 120XP™ ratchets take access and speed to the next level, making it easier and quicker to complete jobs. The double stacked pawl design gives 120 positions providing a 3 degree ratcheting arc. All of the ratchets feature a low profile head and flush mounted on/off switch, allowing better access in tight spaces. The ratchets are a bright, full polish chrome to resist rust & corrosion and have an enclosed head design which allows for extreme resistance to dirt infiltration. Available in standard and extra-long length handles.

ManufacturerApex Tool Group
GearWrench 81204P Flex Head Teardrop Ratchet Set
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