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Digital Multimeters

26 Products
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Fluke® FLUKE-177-ESFP Digital Multimeter, 1000 VDC/VAC, 10 A, 50 MOhm Measuring, 1000 VAC/VDC, 10 A, 50 MOhm, Digital Display
IDEAL® 61-310 310 Digital Multimeter, 200 to 600 VAC, 200 mV to 600 VDC, 200 mA to 10 A DC, 200 to 20 MOhm, 3-1/2 Digit LCD Display
Fluke® FLUKE-116 Digital Multimeter With Temperature and Microamps, 600 VAC/VDC, 600 uA, 0.1 Ohm to 40 MOhm, Digital Display
Fluke® FLUKE-289 Digital Multimeter, 1000 VDC/VAC, 10 A, 500 MOhm Measuring, 1000 VAC/VDC, 10 A, 50 Ohm to 500 MOhm, Dot Matrix Display
Fluke® FLUKE-289/FVF Digital Multimeter Kit, 1000 VAC, 10 A, 50 Ohm to 500 MOhm, VGA Dot Matrix Display
Werner #3773931
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Fluke® FLUKE-27II Digital Multimeter, 1000 VDC/VAC, 10 A, 50 MOhm Measuring, 1000 VAC/VDC, 10 A, 0.1 Ohm to 50 MOhm, Bar Graph/Backlight Display
Fluke® FLUKE-28IIEX/ETL Digital Multimeter, 1000 VDC/VAC, 10 A, 50 MOhm Measuring, 0.1 mV to 1000 VDC, 10 A, 50 MOhm, Backlit LCD Display