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Stem Mounting Photocontrols

9 Products
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NSI 3000 3000 Button Photocontrol, 120 VAC, 2000 W Tungsten, 1200 VA Ballast, Flush Mount, Lexan
MFR #3000
Werner #2382429
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NSI 2001 2000 Photocontrol With 1/2 in 180 deg Swivel Conduit, 120 VAC, 2000 W Tungsten, 1800 VA Ballast, Screw/Stem Mount, Lexan
NSI 3002 3000 Button Photocontrol, 208 to 277 VAC, 3470 to 4620 W Tungsten, 2080 to 2770 VA Ballast, Flush Mount, Lexan
Intermatic® K4141C K4100 Stem Mounting Photocontrol, 120 VAC, 3000 W Tungsten, 3000 VA Ballast, Stem Mount, Polycarbonate
Intermatic® EK4136S Electronic Stem Mounting Photocontrol, 105 to 305 VAC, 1000 W Tungsten, 1800 VA Ballast, Stem Mount, Plastic
Intermatic® K4121C K4100 Stem Mounting Photocontrol, 120 VAC, 1800 W Tungsten, 1000 VA Ballast, Stem Mount, Polycarbonate
Intermatic® K4421M K4100 Stem Mounting Photocontrol, 120 VAC, 1800 W Tungsten, 1000 VA Ballast, Stem Mount, Polycarbonate