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EiKO® 41528

EIKO® 41528 Incandescent Lamp, 10 W, E17 Intermediate Screw Incandescent Lamp, S11, 80 Lumens
EIKO® 41528 Incandescent Lamp, 10 W, E17 Intermediate Screw Incandescent Lamp, S11, 80 Lumens

EiKO® 41528

EIKO® 41528 Incandescent Lamp, 10 W, E17 Intermediate Screw Incandescent Lamp, S11, 80 Lumens
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MFG #41528

Werner Part #3897914


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MFG #41528

Werner Part #3897914


Product Description

EIKO® Incandescent Lamp, 10S11N, 10 W, 120 VAC, 0.083 A, Incandescent Lamp, E17 Intermediate Screw Lamp Base, S11, 80 Lumens, 1500 hr Average Life, Soft White, Clear Lamp, C-5A Filament, 1.36 in Dia x 2.31 in L
EIKO® 41528 Incandescent Lamp, 10 W, E17 Intermediate Screw Incandescent Lamp, S11, 80 Lumens
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