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One-Time Fuses

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Eaton Bussmann Series NON-5 5A 250V Class K5   One-Time Fuse
Werner #22943
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Eaton Bussmann Series NON-50 Non-Current Limiting One Time Fuse, 50 A, 250 VAC, 125 VDC, 50 kA Interrupt, Class: H/K5, Cylindrical Body
Eaton Bussmann Series NON-60 Non-Current Limiting One Time Fuse, 60 A, 250 VAC, 125 VDC, 50 kA Interrupt, Class: H/K5, Cylindrical Body
Eaton Bussmann Series NOS-15 Non-Current Limiting One Time Fuse, 15 A, 600 VAC, 50 kA Interrupt, Class: H/K5, Cylindrical Body
Eaton Bussmann Series NOS-30 Non-Current Limiting One Time Fuse, 30 A, 600 VAC, 50 kA Interrupt, Class: H/K5, Cylindrical Body
Mersen Ferraz Shawmut OT60 OT Series Fast Acting One-Time Fuse, 60 A, 250 VAC/VDC, 50/20 kA Interrupt, Class: K5, Cylindrical Body
Mersen Ferraz Shawmut OT10 OT Series Fast Acting One-Time Fuse, 10 A, 250 VAC/VDC, 50/20 kA Interrupt, Class: K5, Cylindrical Body
Mersen Ferraz Shawmut OT6 OT Series Fast Acting One-Time Fuse, 6 A, 250 VAC/VDC, 50/20 kA Interrupt, Class: K5, Cylindrical Body
Mersen Ferraz Shawmut OT5 OT Series Fast Acting One-Time Fuse, 5 A, 250 VAC/VDC, 50/20 kA Interrupt, Class: K5, Cylindrical Body